Wyalkatchem – CBH Agriculture Story

Tractor fan? Come to Wyalkatchem

It seems visitors to the area have a bit of trouble pronouncing Wyalkatchem, so locals have shortened it to Wylie (as you do in Australia).

Prospectors  in  search  of  gold  once  passed  through  Wyalkatchem  on  their  way  to  Kalgoorlie. The town is also famous for its farming and pioneer heritage. A popular attraction in town, the C.B.H. museum is housed in a 1936 “K” type wheat bin. This wheat bin is also a cultural heritage site and the oldest bin preserved in history. Quite apt considering Wyalkatchem is known as the cradle of bulk wheat handling.

For the tractor fans, it’s your chance to see the ‘Waterloo Boy’ one of the first John Deere tractor models made in 1920 – which still works 100 years later! How’s that for efficiency?

Farming equipment, rare wagons, tractors and agricultural memorabilia also takes pride of place in the C.B.H. museum – with over 500 items on display from the 19th century.

A second shed displaying 40 original tractors was built partly from materials salvaged from a demolished wheat bin. Wyalkatchem is also famous for being the first shire to handle bulk wheat in 1931. Bulk handling and collection of wheat started with Mr Harry Threlfall from Korrelocking on 9 November 1931. A year later, two engine driven grain elevators were installed at the railway to cope with the demand and the first trainload of Wheat departed Wyalkatchem for Fremantle port.

John Lindsay was Wyalkatchem’s early pioneers and a key advocate for the bulk handling of wheat.  He arrived in Western Australia after spending some years in South Africa. While John knew  little  about  farming when he started off, he  was  familiar  with  the  Australian  bush  and  hard  work.

As a farmer, John struggled  from  day  one;  he  scrimped  and  saved  to buy  land  from  the  government,  did  jobs  for  local  people  to  earn  money,  lost  all  his  personal  and  valued  possessions  in  a  fire  that  destroyed  his  camp  and  made  expensive  mistakes  in  farming  his  land.

Later, he entered politics and served in local government. John was appointed as the first  Chairman  of  the  Wyalkatchem  Road  Board,  and as  Minister  for  Public  Works  and  Labour and  J.P. Given Wyalkatchem’s important role in contributing to the grain economy, he continuously advocated to increase the amount of farming land available to people in his electorate. “…I  learned  my  farming,  not  by  driving  a  railway  engine  but  by  going  on  the  land…” said he once in Parliament.

Was he a farmer who was a successful politician? Or was he a politician with a farmer’s mind? Whichever way you look at it, John Lindsay turned the hard lessons he learned on the land into progress and development for Wyalkatchem.


Moondyne Joe

Toodyay’s most infamous character, Joseph Bolitho Johns, aka Moondyne Joe seemed to have been the Artful Dodger of Western Australia. His life resembled a character in a Charles Dickens novel.

The Slater Family

If you want to feel the true spirit of the word ‘pioneer’ then George Slater would be it. Making progress where there was none, George was a man ahead of his time and given to many firsts.

Joe Anderson

One of Dowerin’s most notable pioneers, Joe worked on clearing other people’s land before buying his own. Unfortunately, a mix-up in names meant that Joe spent a week clearing land that wasn’t even his!

John Lindsay

John Lindsay was one of Wyalkatchem’s early pioneers and a key advocate for the bulk handling of wheat. While John knew little about farming when he started off, he was familiar with the Australian bush and hard work.

Jane Adams

It’s not often that women are credited with the pioneering spirit, often painted as silent spectators while the men go off to explore uncharted territory. However, Jane Swain Adams’s name is known with the best of the pioneers.

Alice Cummins

Alice Mary Cummins might have felt completely at home in the 21st century given her progressive upbringing, interest in arts and culture, and an entrepreneurial streak - rarely seen in a woman in the pioneer era.

Uncover Dowerin's unique blend of history and friendly atmosphere